Tuesday 31 July 2012

Draft of Day 36 & 37, RESTART!

In the last week I did two days of Insanity...pretty bad. I'm falling off the wagon :( The workouts were just so much more intense and more importantly, time consuming. I have lessons and volunteering after school, which eat up 2 hours of time each day.

This was a draft I started and never completed, which I could say the same for the Insanity program. I'm really disappointed in myself for giving up, but in my defense it was finals time and projects and tests were just pouring in. I'm planning to restart soon, now that my summer courses are nearly over and because of a minor blip in my emotional well-being. I'll have to start again with the first month, now that I lost all of the stamina I built up in that month, but if I did it before, I can certainly do it again.