Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Day 1

Today (or rather, yesterday) was my first day trying out the Insanity Workout, led by Shaun T. After reading the many supportive and informative posts on Soompi's Health and Fitness forum, I was inspired to create this blog detailing my (hopefully successful!) journey to get a toned body that I wouldn't feel ashamed of at the pool or at the beach. This way I can track my progress, and force myself to work because I'll have to write down my results. Unfortunately, I don't have much control over my diet, since I can't really cook, but I'm trying to cut down on overly sugary or savory things. So...onto a tiny summary of day 1 of INSANITY!

I must say, Insanity certainly lives up to its name. I'm not unfit, but I know that my stamina sucks. I took so many breaks, and I'm ashamed to say I collapsed on a nearby sofa more than once. The 30 second breaks that we got felt like 2 seconds, but the 30 seconds for the workouts felt like 5 minutes each. I didn't do the Fit Test, and started off with the 38 minute cardio workout instead. The intervals were short, but brutal and hopefully effective, as it made me sweat buckets. I think in time, I can probably do it without stopping as much, but it's going to be painful. The stretches provided a much needed break, since I'm fairly flexible already from Hapkido, but it still burned and I was wobbling all over the place. Such sweet torture...this better be worth it!

Day 2 will be just as brutal, I know, but I really hope that this will help me the way PE and Hapkido class never did.

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